Travel-film with 60 to 90 minutes runtime
Postcard video 3 to 5 minutes runtime
Pictures and short videos for use in promotional materials

Total budget: 150.000-200.000 US$
Locations: Sightseeing and tourist spots, urban and nature
Detailed terms
1-2 weeks
Concept and detailed cost estimation
2-3 weeks
Scriptwriting and filming authorizations
3 weeks
Filming on location
3 months
postproduction: edit, color grading, sound producing, music writing, orchestra and voiceover recording
150.000-200.000 US$

Rough cost estimation based on our expertise of international filming
This is not a final list of locations. After deeper research some locations could be added and some could be delisted, because of impossibility of filming.
  • Harare
    Beautiful capital of Zimbabwe has many great filming locations
  • Great Zimbabwe National Monument
    World renowned UNESCO Heritage Site
  • Mana Pools National Park
    World Heritage site and one of the best parks in Africa
  • Victoria Falls
    One of the Seven Wonders of the World
  • Chinhoyi Caves
    Wondrous cave system with sapphire waters
  • National Heroes Acre
    A monumental shrine to Zimbabwean heroes