Drone filming
Exquisite photo- and videography. Pricing is shown per full working shift (up to 10 hours). Half-shifts (2-5 hours) get a 30% discount. Shooting for feature productions (films and series) is available only in full shifts.

DJI Mavic 2 PRO


4K resolution, basic optics, H265/MOV video format
Best for:
- photographs for web
- low-budget videos
- reports and technical videos
DJI Inspire 2 X5S

5K resolution, photo-optics incl. tele-lens for close-ups, PRORES/RAW format for wide color range
Best for:
- middle-format printing
- presentation videos
- close-ups
DJI Inspire 2 X7

6K resolution, cinematographic optics, PRORES/RAW format, high photo-sensibility, wide color range and high detalisation
Best for:
- large-format printing
- night shooting
- feature and documentary films
- advertising
FPV Race drone

GoPro Hero 8 camera, 4K resolution, basic optics, H265/MOV video format
Best for:
-active sport (races, ski, moto trial etc.)
-very active movie scenes (chase, tricks etc)
-spectacular city shots for dynamic video edit
Logistics and on-site shooting costs
Transfer (automobiles included)
Transfer by our crew on their own cars. Additional cost for sites located more than100 kms away from the city is 1 euro/km. For long-term projects, the team can travel to sites up to 3000 km away from St. Petersburg.
Additional costs during expeditions
Down time caused by weather or other unpredictable reasons, or a moving day is charged as 50% of a full shift. Additional luggage costs can be discussed separately.
A full shooting shift is 10 hours. Accommodation is required in a hotel not lower than 4* (if available on site). Meals are required at least 3 times a day.
Contact us
Please, do not hesitate to contact us
by the most convenient way for you: